
Validate your business idea with Cresh

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Check business potential of your idea

In our system, you will quickly discover the strengths and weaknesses of your business idea. With advanced analysis, you'll learn what to develop further and what needs improvement.

Quick analysis
The analysis is ready in less than 2 minutes.
With our wizard and ready-made template, the description of the idea is very simple.
Analysis Hub
You can view all your ideas and analysis at any time.
Check business potential of your idea




Powerful AI models

Validate your business ideas effortlessly with powerful AI models that deliver quick and accurate results.

Detailed analysis

The idea analysis consists of 34 components


What our clients are sharing.

Discover the glowing feedback from our delighted customers worldwide.

Mia Page

Mia Page

I tested with one of my ideas and CRESH.ME can be an absolute game-changer for me as an aspiring entrepreneur.
Kacper Kaciłowicz

Kacper Kaciłowicz

Fullstack Developer

I enjoy how easy it is to validate your idea and after obtaining the results it pushes you to look at it from a different perspective. Also the design is admirable.
Solomon Sekoai-Mannya

Solomon Sekoai-Mannya

DevOps Engineer

This is great because one might think they have a great idea only to find it's not. A like minded community can help steer in the right direction.
Sophie Martin

Sophie Martin


Cresh has completely transformed the way we validate our ideas. With AI doing the heavy lifting, the process is both quick and incredibly accurate. The in-depth analyses give us the confidence to make informed decisions. I can't imagine launching a project without Cresh!
David Johnson

David Johnson

Founder & CTO

As a tech professional, I'm truly impressed by the precision with which Cresh evaluates our projects. The platform helps us quickly identify both strengths and weaknesses, allowing us to focus on what really matters. I highly recommend it to any startup looking for fast and reliable validation.
Maria Fernández

Maria Fernández

Marketing Manager

Cresh is an amazing tool for validating business ideas. The AI delivers detailed and insightful analyses, helping us better prepare for market launch. It's a must-have for any entrepreneur serious about building a successful product!