Privacy policy

The Privacy Policy for Cresh.

The use of this website is voluntary. You are in no way forced/forced to provide personal information. However, failure to provide certain information may result in your inability to perform a particular service and achieve a particular purpose, such as contacting me by e-mail or signing up for a newsletter.

Basic information

This website, like many others, uses cookies in order to function properly. In what follows, I indicate exactly how cookies work and what this means for you.

I use analytical tools that collect anonymous information about visits to this site, such as time spent on the site or tabs viewed. You can find details in this document.

Data administrator

The administrator of your personal data is

What does the policy contain?

Here you will find information about, among other things, the principles of processing your personal data, the purposes for which we process your data and the legal grounds that enable us to do so, the tools we use within the website, as well as the recipients of your data and your rights.

Your rights

The RODO grants the following rights related to the processing of personal data:

  • The right of access to information and the obligation to provide information - means that every person whose data is processed has the right to know what happens to their personal data. Among other things, the privacy policy you are just reading was created for this purpose.

  • Right of access to personal data - means that if I, as the controller of your data, receive a request from you for access to your data, I am obliged to provide you with such information. I am to perform my duties in this regard as a data controller immediately, no later than within one month. If it is impossible to do so within this timeframe, then I am obliged to inform you at least whether I am processing your data, and I may then extend the deadline for a complete response to your request by two months.

  • Right to rectification of personal data - means that you can request that the controller of your data rectify incorrect data or complete incomplete data.

  • The right to erasure of personal data, the right to be forgotten - means that you can demand from me, as the administrator of your personal data, to delete it, to inform the person to whom your data has been transferred about its deletion. You also have the right to demand that your data that has been made public by me be subject to deletion by other administrators as well. As the controller of your data, I am also obliged, upon your request, to inform you which recipients have been provided with your data subject to deletion.

  • The right to restrict the processing of your personal data - means that you can request that the processing of your personal data be restricted. This is the case, for example, when you disagree with the accuracy of the processed data, or when you consider that you no longer need the data for the purposes of processing.

  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data - means that you can object to your data being processed by the controller.

  • The right to data portability - means that, under certain conditions, you can request that your data be transferred directly to a designated other controller.

  • The right to lodge a complaint - means that as soon as you consider that our processing of your data violates the law, you can lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

  • Remember, please, that you will not have each of these rights always and in every case. This is not a sign of ill will, but the nature of the law.

Purpose of personal data processing

Mail service

By sending a message, you provide your e-mail address and other data contained in the body of the message. Providing your e-mail address is voluntary, but necessary to make contact. The data is then processed for the purpose of contacting you. The basis for processing in this case is Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO, i.e. your consent resulting from the initiation of contact. Please note, please, that your data will also be processed after the contact has ended. The legal basis for such processing is the legitimate purpose of archiving your correspondence for future demonstration (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).

Your name, e-mail address and the data indicated in the body of the message.

Use of cookies on the website

The basis is your consent, which is given even before the website is fully loaded.

Your IP, generated userID and behavior on my websites

Sending out the newsletter

In order to send a newsletter on the basis of, based on the consent resulting from signing up for the newsletter

Your email address

Account management and user registration

By creating an account you provide your data, i.e.: and e-mail address. Providing the data is voluntary, but necessary to create content in the system.

Your email address, generated UserID

Notify activities

Informing the user about activities in the system related to their entries, based on the consent resulting from signing up to system or set property in settings.

Your email address

Recipients of personal data

Your personal data may be transferred to third parties whose services I use in connection with the operation of the platform and the sale of electronic products.

However, I assure you that I carefully select the entities with which I cooperate or whose services I use, and I am always guided by the assurance of adequate data protection.

Due to the use of Amazon, your data may be transferred to the European Union (EU) and United States of America (USA). However, I inform you that these entities guarantee an adequate level of data protection as required by European regulations.

In order to organize the entities whose services I use, they have been divided into two groups. The first is entities that process data within the European Union. The second group is entities that process data outside the European Union.

Data processors in the European Economic Area:

  • MailerLite Limited, Ground Floor, 71 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, D02 P593, Ireland - in order to send e-mail correspondence (newsletter) to people who have previously subscribed to the e-mail list
  • Amazon AWS - cloud computing that processes user data;

Data processors outside the European Economic Area:

Cookies and tracking technologies

This website, like many others, uses cookies.

When you visit the site for the first time, you will see information about the use of cookies. If you do not change your browser settings, you agree to their use.

Cookies are short text information stored on the device you use to browse the web.

They can be read by me ("own cookies", which I use to ensure the proper operation of this site), as well as by systems belonging to other entities whose services I use ("external cookies").

Cookies can be deleted when you close your browser ("session cookies"), and they can also be retained on your device and allow your browser to be recognized the next time you visit my sites ("persistent cookies").

Cookies may be necessary for the functioning of the website you visit, and if you do not consent to their operation, the website may not function properly.

Cookies may be used for analytical activities so that it is possible to analyze the number of visits and collect information and traffic on my sites, so that I can improve my online activities.

Cookies may also originate on my site from third-party vendors, which are applied at the request of the third-party vendor indicated later in the policy.

Cookies from third-party vendors may be used to personalize content, measure advertising and content, information about their audience and the development of their products.

Please remember that you have the right to change your cookie settings from within your browser or to delete them.

This website uses the following tracking technologies:

  • Analytic tools for tracking user behavior on the site, such as:
    • AWS Amplify Analytic
    • AWS Pinpoint

Note that if you do not want information about the pages you visit to be stored in your browser history, you can use incognito mode if the browser you use has such a function.

Server logs

Using the site involves sending requests to the server that hosts my website.

Each request to the server is recorded in the server logs, which include, for example: the IP address, the date and time of the server, information about the Internet browser and the operating system you are using.

The data recorded in the server logs are not associated with specific users of the site and are used as support material for administrative purposes.

Their contents are not disclosed to anyone except those authorized to administer the server.

The logs are deleted after a period of 30 days by Amazon AWS cloud mechanisms.

Managing your account in the system

Basic use of the system does not require data, so it is not subject to RODO.

When registering for the system, you need to provide an email address, to which a code needed to confirm your identity will be sent.

Once the account is created, a user's entry in Amazon's AWS cloud in the Ireland area is established.

The provider of the login system as well as the entire infrastructure on which the calculations are performed is Amazon AWS, whose privacy policy can be found here:

The choice of Amazon was dictated by the highest standards related to security.

A unique UserID is generated for the entry, which is the user's identifier in the system. It is understood as sensitive data.

For each user entry, the ID is used to identify the author.

The user has the right to delete data at any time:

  • press the delete button in the user profile.

Deletion will delete the user's record in the database and replace the user ID in each entry with the ID of the deleted user.

Only system administrators have access to this data, and if the user ID appears in the logs, it will be deleted automatically after 30 days.

Newsletter service

I consciously select the service providers I use to provide you with the highest level of protection for your data.

The newsletter service provider is MailerLite Limited, Ground Floor, 71 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2, D02 P593, Ireland.

Your data will not be transferred to a third country outside the European Union for the purpose of sending the newsletter. For details, please refer to the service provider's privacy policy and security statement

Your data, i.e. your name and your e-mail, provided in the newsletter subscription form, will be processed for the purpose of sending the newsletter.

The data you provide in the newsletter sign-up form is voluntary, but necessary to send you the newsletter on the basis of the consent you have given, as well as to send you information about the marketing of my own products or services on the basis of my, as the administrator, legitimate interest (i.e., Article 6(f) of the RODO) and for the purpose of asserting possible claims in connection with the sending of the newsletter.

I guarantee you that your data will be processed until you withdraw the consent you have given, unsubscribe from the newsletter or express your objection.

The mechanism for unsubscribing from the newsletter service is not complicated and consists in clicking on the active link with the information I unsubscribe from the newsletter, which is included in the messages I send.

Once you have exercised this right and unsubscribed from the newsletter, your data relating to your subscription to this service will be stored for the period necessary to defend against potential claims. This is a legitimate interest of mine as data controller.

I may transfer personal data provided when you subscribe to the newsletter to the following entities: IT system maintenance and hosting service provider, email service provider, newsletter service provider, and third parties supporting me in sending the newsletter, with whom I have entered into appropriate agreements.

As in any case where we process your data, you have the right to access the content of your data, to receive a copy of it, the right to rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, the right to data portability, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Keep in mind, however, that if you withdraw your consent to data processing, this fact will not affect the lawfulness of data processing that was carried out on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection as soon as you consider that the processing of your data violates the law. Your data will not be processed by automated means, but will not be subject to profiling.

Notification service

Cresh system sends notifications of recent activities in the form of a summary email.

The mailing service is provided by AWS as well as the entire infrastructure on which the calculations are performed is Amazon AWS, whose privacy policy can be found here:

Emails are processed and sent from an account located in the European economic zone.

To disable notifications, change the user settings in the settings panel.

Push Notification

Cresh system sends push notifications of recent activities if user allows for this.

Push notifications are provided via your web browser provider.

To turn on the notification the user has to allow it by click subscribe in application.

Unique URL is saved in our database. We use it to trigger your web browser by API of provider (separate for Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.).

To turn off the notification you can change settings in your web browser. The browser will block all incoming pushes from us.

Processing time of your data

Until such time as an objection is successfully raised or the account is deleted.

  • With respect to personal data processed on the basis of a legitimate interest of the controller.

Until obsolete, no longer relevant or the account is deleted.

  • With respect to personal data processed primarily for website administration purposes.
  • With regard to personal data processed on the basis of your consent unless explicitly indicated otherwise at the time of consent.

Final provisions

Materials placed on this website are the administrator's own intellectual creation and are subject to legal protection.

Use of the provided content outside of permitted personal use may result in the risk of criminal and civil liability.

If you have any doubts about the legal nature of the content provided or how you can legally use it, please send us a message and we will give you a comprehensive answer.

Please also remember that the content provided is for educational purposes and does not constitute or replace individual expert advice.

Finally, we would like to remind you that the content of this Policy is subject to change, such as when we change our service provider or the scope of functionality on the site. For your convenience, the date the Policy is updated is listed at the beginning of the Policy.

Contact us

For any matter related to the protection of your personal data, you can contact us at